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Social, Community, Home Care, and Disability Services Award (MA000100) Update
May 31, 2024

Social, Community, Home Care, and Disability Services Award (MA000100) Update


We will be releasing an update to the Social, Community, Home Care, and Disability Services Award (MA000100) next Friday, 7 June 2024. This update will provide greater alignment between the platform’s pay condition rule sets and the Award’s clauses.

Before applying the award update, we recommend reading our summary of the key changes below:

1. New pay condition rule set for part time employees per clause 28.

2. New rules (including relevant work types, tags and pay categories) for the following clauses:

  • Heat Allowance per clause 20.9
  • Minimum 4 hours payment before and/or after sleepover shifts per clause 25.7(f)
  • Minimum 8 hours payment for 24-hour care per clause 25.8(d)
  • Client Cancellation per clause 25.5(f)(iii)
  • Higher Duties - others per clause 30.2
  • Higher of Paid Family Domestic Violence Leave per clause 36
  • Time in Lieu of Overtime for Casuals per clause 28.2

3. New employment agreements have been created:

  • Crisis accommodation employee level 1 as per Schedule C
    • Pay point 3 (3 year degree) clause C.1.3(b)(i)
    • Pay point 4 (4 year degree) clause C.1.3(b)(ii)
  • Crisis accommodation employee level 4 as per Schedule C
    • Pay point 2 (Graduates) clause C.4.1(f)
  • Social and community services employee level 2 as per Schedule B
    • Pay point 4 (Level 4 certificate) clause B.2.1(e)
  • Social and community services employee level 3 as per Schedule B
    • Pay point 3 (3 year degree) clause B.3.1(g)
    • Pay point 4 (4 year degree) clause B.3.1(g)

4. We've revised the following rules to ensure alignment with the clauses outlined in the award:

  • Automate the Broken Shift Allowance per clause 20.12
  • Apart from using the work type, employees should have the tag “Home Care Services” for the rule to apply per clause 25.8
  • Introduced a new tag “shiftworker” to ensure that additional annual leave will only accrue per clause 31.2
  • Due to system limitation identifying if the previous shift is an overtime or not, use work type “no rest period after overtime” if the shifts meets the criteria per clause 28.3

For detailed information on the changes (including a Special Notes and System Limitation section), please refer to our knowledge-based article here: Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 (MA000100)

Please note: While we have endeavored to interpret the award clause accurately, it is your responsibility to ensure that employees receive accurate remuneration. The employer bears the sole responsibility for ensuring correct payment to employees.

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