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Employee self-setup changes
September 12, 2024

Employee self-setup changes


As part of our ongoing commitment to improving the onboarding experience at Employment Hero (EH), we’ve decided to remove the "Add Later" button from the Employee Self Setup superannuation selection process. This change is aimed at fostering greater engagement with superannuation at a key moment when employees are prompted to think about their financial future.

Why Are We Making This Change?

Encouraging Active Engagement:  We strive to encourage employees to actively consider their superannuation choices. This is a crucial moment when employees can choose a fund that best suits their circumstances rather than deferring this important decision.

Reducing Administrative Burden: For HR and payroll teams, this change will reduce the administrative follow-up required when employees delay their superannuation selection. It ensures that super is taken care of upfront, in a compliant and secure process.

Making Super Tangible: Superannuation is often seen as something distant or abstract, especially by younger Australians. By prompting a decision during onboarding, we help make superannuation more tangible, encouraging employees to think about their financial future right from the start.

The Bigger Picture

Australians are rightly proud of our superannuation system—it's world-class and has provided millions with dignity in retirement. At EH, we fully support this mission: to help Australians secure their financial future. However, survey after survey shows that engagement with super funds is low, particularly among younger Australians. We believe this change will contribute to reversing that trend by ensuring that every new employee actively considers their superannuation options during onboarding. Thank you for your support as we implement this important change. Together, we can help employees make informed decisions about their superannuation, contributing to their long-term financial well-being.

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