In the occasion that Employment Hero platforms are experiencing major performance issues, we'll update you on the status here, in real time.
We are currently experiencing system wide performance issues.
This is due to a backlog in our back end jobs processing. We are adding additional server capacity in order to clear the backlog and restore performance.
Additional server capacity resolved the issue
There is an issue with the warnings section of the pay run. Stating that employees are taking more leave than they have accrued with 0 hours available for use.
This warning is purely a display issue and leave balances/calculations are not impacted
Engineers are investigating
Issue has been fixed and released to production.
We are currently experiencing a problem where leave categories within a pay run are not populating with a pay rate. Our engineers are currently investigating this as their highest priority.
Manually populate the pay rates.
Issue has been identified and a fix is underway.
Issue Resolved
Issue has now been resolved. In order to rectify, you must re-import any timesheets that are impacted. Once imported, the pay rates will display as normal.
We are aware of an issue where users are not able to install award updates. We are currently working to resolve this issue.