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Set a Timesheet Period when Creating a New Payrun
March 7, 2024

Set a Timesheet Period when Creating a New Payrun


We are introducing an option for admins to specify a timesheet period when creating a new payrun. This is to help businesses that have a different overtime period compared to their normal salary period.

The admin will see this option if there are approved and unprocessed timesheets for the payrun. When the admin clicks the “Create” button for the payrun, all timesheets approved and unprocessed within the period they set (inclusive of start and end dates) will be imported into the payrun.

Admins can also set a timesheet period when they adjust the pay period after creating a payrun. Then admins can re-import timesheet for the new period.

For more information:

Creating a New Pay Run

Adjust Pay Period Dates within a Pay Run

Re-importing Timesheets into a Pay Run

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